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So, running out of money. Already know someone's DNA is on that rope (wont spoiler it here) but i still dont know the pigheaded victim :0

no code for the card, no cash for the evidence swabs, nothing to find but insects :I  wtf am i supposed to do? I cant sell anything since.. there is no one to sell to. So what? am i supposed to restart the game and try to micro manage all thaT? (=_= ' )

Deleted 188 days ago

IIRC the code is a date of birth year

Like the game, but i'm stuck near the end, where can i find the female connected to the Ouija Board?

The .exe flagged Windows antivirus software. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Love the game but i am not a huge fan of the constant attacks from the bugs and animals. 

I might be missing something but I am also having some trouble progressing with the investigation. 

I'm loving the game so far! I found an issue when looking up any info about Meg through the Holmes computer. It completely shuts down the game. 

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

Thanks for the bug report. I uploaded a new build to fix this.


I got attacked by five wasps right at the beginning and I'm trying to figure out how to heal up.


Try searching the lockers in the basement of the Police Station ;-)