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i meant work

i cant get it to wor

v76 (single mission demo)
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Opera Siege is literally unplayable because the sun is leaking, at least for me

That's not good - possible to get a screenshot and what your system spec/graphics card is?

i cant find the ppl to rescue in v69 in the ship/petrol platform level(but btw the game is very good/hard/beautiful i have one suggestion make the goals a bit clearer like for exemple at the second level show the hostage by an intro or something like (its maybe already in v75 idk i didnt tried it)

(1 edit)

The shooting is normal, the locations look good. BUT the AI of the enemies and level design are very bad.

What would make them better?


its such a skill issue for me but i cant get pass the container part in the tutorial.. any tips?


is an intel core i5 enought for this game


whats the diffrence between v72 and v69


69 is all the older prototype levels you see in the screenshots.

Builds with higher numbers have fewer (new) levels while I iterate on mechanics etc.




v72 : Ragdolls (and other improvements)


too hard ?


which level/part?


can you play it with a controler ?



(1 edit) (+1)

Im super confused on how to get through the research facility level. I cant find any security codes

(2 edits)

Quick update: v71 has new combat AI and a new combat test map:  LENASK-15

(I also left v69 up because it has some older stages that aren't in v71.)

(1 edit)
  • Water control panel looks too similar to the tutorial panels so I ended up passing over it several times. 
  • The ability to pick up and move objects such as the explosive barrel would be nice instead of having to bump into to it to move it.
  • The option to rebind crouch/slide to CTRL would be nice to have.
  • May just be my graphics settings, but the destructible walls were a bit difficult to see.
  • Sometimes when rewinding time the vent covers physics result in them twitching diagonally across the vent entrance as well as not being removed when pressing 'e'. Though I am playing on linux via proton 7.0-6 on steam.
  • It be just personal preference, but I feel like the jumping requires me to jump sooner than I would expect, resulting in me running off ledges unintentionally.
(1 edit)

Thanks this is great feedback!

- The vents issue is a bug that I've fixed in v71.

- I tried letting you pick up and move objects (as in Half Life) but it looked too weird when reversing time since you are no longer there to carry them and they float around.

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yo demo or zip full or demo and also download  not starting

How much ram does it require

whats the diffrence with 69 and 70

(1 edit)

69 is all the levels you see in the screenshots.

70 is a new single level gameplay prototype with a tutorial.

(1 edit)

I have another problem, I think my RAM is not enough for the game.(I have 2GB RAM left out of 4GB RAM because my main laptop's screen broke thats why ı have 4 gb of ram)

whenever I open the game, my screen has an orange filter on it (v69) but v70 works fine. Love the weighty gunplay btw

I try to open the game but this pop up and my graphic card is updated, don't know why this still happen

Thanks for reaching out. 

Couple of questions:

1. Which version of the game are you running? (The zip files are numbered and currently 69 and 70 can be downloaded.)

2. Do other Unreal Engine 5 games, such as Fortnite, work on your PC?

1. version 69 (70 doesn't work to)

2. bruh my cpu is celeron N3050 1.60 ghz do you think my computer can run that

A question : can my cpu  run this game ?

Seems like no. Sorry I just have one PC so I don't do min-spec testing.

That fine I will come back to the game after 5 months when I upgrade my pc.

Awesome - thanks!

New Year, New Demo: 

RECLOCK_DEMO_v70 is a one new level demo that lasts about 20 minutes. Goal was to prove out time-reversal puzzles and combat mechanics. (Check out v69 for the previous vertical slice demos shown in the other screenshots and videos.) 

Fua es que es increible

Game seems ultracool. If not for the optimisation, i'd defenetly love it


thanks! I will work on optimization... 

the best

I saw your comment on FGGS, would you care for honest thoughts about your game?

yes for sure - thanks!


Hello, You said you wanted feeback and I am here to provide.

I only played  the first two missions:

Fun gameplay loop

  • - It is fun to be pratically invisible during rewind and sneak up on enemies.
  • - I like how the timer is a resource because after you have killed someone, that kill is locked into that timestamp and unless you want to go back and kill them again you cannot rewind past that timestamp.

- This is inforced by the fact that you cannot snipe eneimes from across the map, the best way to kill is to get close and shoot which is fun.


  • - It's weird how you can win literally every gun fight by rewinding to where the person has not see you yet.
  • - I often stand around waiting for the timer to tic up before killing people, because then the kill timestamp is further up and I have more time to work with. Not the most exciting thing to be doing I'll be honest, but it is the dominate strategy so I feel inclined to.


  • Waypoint obscured:
  • - In the first mission, the numbers showing the way are blocked by a tutorial text telling you to use your rewind powers. This means you have no idea what to do unless you are rewinding which confused me for the longest time.

* Simply move the UI around.

  • Long levels:
  • - Levels can take quite a long to beat (second mission took me 30 minutes ) and most of the time I was looking for the last remaining bad guys. 

* If there was a way to find eneimes more easily OR if the levels are less open, that would solve the issue. You could also try checkpoints, although that is not so much suited for open levels like the oil plant one.


  • - A UI Element showing the player when they are about to revive an enemy if they rewind any further would be a nice touch. Although this does remove some cool tension as right now the player has to keep track of that themselves. Which is a fun puzzle, but also a chore when coupled with longer levels.
  • - Have some missions where you have the timer be in focus. And others where the time ability has a cooldown. I like the idea of time being a resource but right now it does not feel like that's the intention. So I would experiments with a super short level that has a very tight time limit and the player has to carefully plan out a route where they kill everyone without reviving anybody.

    To give you a reference point, this would make the game feel like Hitman. You know what will happen at any given moment and it's a matter of setting up the perfect plan and executing it.

Define player experience:

  • - I think it's important for you to ask the question "what should the player feel".
    The player has a silencer and kills people with just one bullet if up close. That tells me that this is a stealth game. But there is nothing stopping me from playing the game like Hotline Miami, rewinding my mistakes and blazing through the eneimes.
    This is acually unappealing.
    Of course there is something to be said about giving the player the freedom to explore different solutions and playstyles, but in this case it shows a lack of vision for the game.
    Going back to Hitman, that game has ENDLESS potential solutions and sprawling levels. But at the end of the day every player will have the same experience of assasinating and planning out their approach.
    I am unsure what experience I was intended to have in your game and that's not a good thing.

* Again, what you can do is play other games and see what makes them fun. Try to dissect your inspirations and I'm sure you will find a unique identity for your game.

I hope I have not been too harsh and I wish you the best of luck with your game development : >


Not harsh at all - these are good notes thanks!

Best game ever.

hey - thanks!

NO WAY!!! This is actually insane how cool and polished this game is well done I'm 1000% playing this.

this is actually one of the best, and coolest games ive ever gotten in itch io.. for free aswell

nice - thanks!

Hey There.  I'm interested in using your video game in a film.  Could you send me contact info so I can share more info?   I hit you up on FB too

Deleted 1 year ago

... Ok found the message and replied :-)



I think the game, needs optimisation

No doubt! If the frame rate is low on your PC then try adjusting the "Overall Quality" setting on the Pause -> Graphics menu (press Escape or P to Pause). Thanks for playing!

Deleted post


WIP London scenario is now available under Training Missions in v65


WIP "London" mission

noice. if it's still WIP,

if you want to emphasis that it's London, add Big Ben tower & bell rings in the background distance.

The rewind doesn't work for me, I can set a breakpoint but nothing else, what do I do

(2 edits)

When you press TAB time doesn't rewind? e.g. In first Mission, snow doesn't fall up? I downloaded the current version (v64) to check and it works for me. You can even try on the title screen - the globe will spin backwards.

oh sorry, I didn't realize the keybind, thank you

v63 uploaded with a new Defensive Driving training challenge. I'll be adding more of these to find the fun with FPS time-rewind.

whats the minimum specs for this game?

Sorry I haven't tested on enough PCs to know. It's free to download and there are graphics performance settings you can adjust.

does this game have controller support?

Yes but I haven't tested controller recently so it probably needs some work.

does it have aim assist?

not yet

...and it does now. Thanks for the question!

RECLOCK v62 is now live with updates to the first two missions.

This game is great!
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